Nieuw U2 album vroeg in 2011

18-10-2010 @ 10:59

U2 zal vroeg in het nieuwe jaar een nieuw album uitbrengen, aldus een uitspraak van U2's manager Paul McGuinness tegenover the Irish Times.
U2 heeft al diverse nummers live laten horen gedurende het onlangs afgesloten 2e deel van de Europese tour. Dit zijn: Mercy, Every Breaking Wave, en Boys Fall from the Sky. De voorlopige titel van het album is; 'Songs of ascent'.
Het album verschijnt sneller dan de meesten denken. Zeker voor de start van het tweede deel van de Amerikaanse tour die in mei 2011 start, aldus Paul McGuinness.
Volgens McGuinness heeft het vorige album 'No line on the horizon' een kleine 5 miljoen exemplaren verkocht, ongeveer de helft van diens voorganger How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb.
Dit is vooral te wijten aan de toenemende illegale downloads van muziek, aldus Paul McGuinness.
U2's manager doet regelmatig forse uitspraken over de nalatigheid van verschillende partijen die eerder illegale downloads stimuleren dan het beperken/tegengaan.

bron: irish times

english version

U2 to release new album in 'early 2011'

U2 WILL have a new album out early in the new year, the band’s manager Paul McGuinness has said. McGuinness said the band has already debuted several of the songs live, including Mercy, Every Breaking Wave, and Boys Fall from the Sky . The album has been provisionally titled Songs of Ascent.

I would expect a new U2 album sooner than anybody thinks. I would guess early 2011 before the next leg of the American tour which starts in May,” he said.

McGuinness defended sales figures for U2’s last album No Line on the Horizon , which he said had held up “remarkably well” despite the perception that the record had been a flop.

It sold “roughly” five million copies, while its 2004 predecessor How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb had sold twice that number.

He said record sales across the industry had declined by half because of illegal downloading.

McGuinness accused internet service providers such as UPC of being “utterly disingenuous” in stating that they could not be responsible for the behaviour of their customers.
